
The City of Littleton has engaged Keen Independent to create an Arts and Culture Master Plan to guide the City in supporting its creatives and enhancing the community's quality of life through arts and culture.

To complete the Arts and Culture Master Plan, Keen Independent will conduct:

  • Background research, which includes learning about Littleton's history and heritage;
  • Mapping and inventory of existing assets and placemaking;
  • In-person and virtual public engagement;
  • Assessment of the community’s arts and culture needs; and
  • Analysis of other relevant plans and how the Arts and Culture Master Plan can contribute to community initiatives.

Study team

Keen Independent is a national research firm with expertise in arts and culture, equity and economics. Alex Keen, Keen Independent Principal, is leading the study.


The study launched in June 2024 and will be completed in December 2024.

How to Get Involved

Public feedback will inform this project throughout its duration and will include interviews and focus groups, a public meeting and a virtual workshop, or survey. Input maybe submitted anytime by:

  • Calling the study hotline: (602) 767-7067
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