Our Process

How We Do It

Clients often reach out to Keen Independent after they have made initial steps to embrace inclusion as a core value but lack the foundation to create lasting change in their organizations. Keen Independent begins by researching issues specific to an organization and filling gaps in needed information. We often broaden an organization’s concept of inclusion to consider how they serve the community, along with fairness in employee hiring, promotions, retention, compensation and workplace climate. Some engagements also examine fairness in procurement.


Discussion of the tangible benefits of inclusion to an organization’s performance and reputation


Assessment of an organization’s operating environment, policies and practices


Analysis of employment, hiring, promotions and retention data and comparison with benchmarks


Surveys, virtual workshops, interviews and other research with employees, residents, businesses and others


Case studies of similar organizations


Conclusions and evidence-based recommendations, including a draft plan


Discussion with leadership, employees and stakeholders and refinement of recommendations and plan based on feedback


Performance metrics, implementation plan and rollout, including any needed training





Sectors We Serve

Who We Work With

Studies that examine equity based on race, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQIA+, veteran status, (dis)ability

States, cities, counties and other local governments

Transportation agencies, including state DOTs, transit agencies and airports

Water providers

Arts and other non-profit organizations

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